Wednesday, January 19, 2011

big test!!

HAd good dinner last night with MAtt, Penny , madge and Janie and alcohol being poured liberally!! And did not freak knitting is such a good crutch..Just got to maintain in Perth..
know its going to be tough..

got to visualize shags and the deal I made with him..
got to keep thinking of my clothes and how they dont fit
got to keep doing hard exercise
get support from spanner ..via sms
always have sparkling water and a lemon around..
DOnt go out at night-except to outside movies..


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bikram is the bomb

Justcompleted my 4th Bikram session tonight..and it feels amazing..I managed about 20 of the 26 poses..can see how it builds self discipline..just want to get back there tomorrow and have another go !!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I am eating a bit more at night than the book says but only veges..
nice day with gracie today ..dear little delighted and wanting everything.
friday night twitches when Penny, Matt and her mates were here drinking but no worries once they left..

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

it gets easier

Went to Bikram today and stretched much better than it clearly does hassles sticking to diet..even with visitors for dinner ( penny Matt Jaqui).

Made arrangement to go for walk on Monday with Hiromi - feels good ..she will inspire me to get fitter..
SO ALL GOOD ..'DO your best' my NY resolution and Im sticking to it!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 6 - SUccess on the scales

Hurray- 3 kg down, another 5 to go ( at least ) ..
Yesterday a good day -
Pushed myself at ZUMBA - thought itwas a bit offun..but must have beeen more than that cos stiff this morning
I felt really happy after spending time with Sue and Liz and Sarah and their babies..a bit self conscious and anxious..trying to make a good impression..but sue is really sweet and encouraging..Nice to be chatting about Perth kids in common..particularly our boys and Angie..

SO home to knit my dog, watch the terrible floods in QLand..and realise my life is good

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 4 - feeling better

Diet no hunger..feeling motivated and not deprived.
a first today .."took myself of to the pictures" - felt good, no need to stuff will come.

Made three phone calls to friends ( Becky, Karen, Sue Michaeledes) and made two arrangements for the week...keep reminding myself this is what normal people do..went to the library changed books..researched websites for food diary..!!

Bit of guilt about not getting back to Bikram..but think it would be overkill..

Discipline and persistance - those clothes are going to fit agan..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

DAy 3 -another day done!!

Did get to Bikram Yoga.. crazy heat..and really difficult to maintain focus ..but I persisted..til the end..and basically crawled home and collapsed into bed for an hour..

Went to movie - Blue Valentine..about domestic violence..pretty good acting and very gritty..

But now glad to be home to be on the couch..still stuffed..but proud of my effort..

shags being really quiet and focused on his own stuff..which is perfect cos I havent got any energy for anything..